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Wendy Thorpe

Chairperson (Non-Executive)

An experienced Company Director, Wendy has over 30 years’ experience in Financial Services in roles which included Chief Information Officer and Chief Operations Officer at AXA, General Manager, Institutional Technology at ANZ, and Group Executive, Operations at AMP.

Wendy is Chair of Epworth Healthcare, and a Director of IAG, People First Bank, auDA and Data Action. She was previously a Director of Ausgrid, Tower and AMP Bank, and a member of Council at Swinburne University of Technology.

Wendy holds a Bachelor of Arts from LaTrobe University, a Bachelor of Business from Swinburne University and a Graduate Diploma in Applied Finance and Investment from FINSIA. She completed the Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business School, is a Graduate member of the AICD, a Fellow of FINSIA and a member of Chief Executive Women.